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[英文] 中国旅游景点龙门石窟英文介绍 [複製鏈接]

Longmen Grottoes is located at the foot of YiqueMountain 12km south of Luoyang City proper,whereYi River traverses northward between two mountainpeaks which are just like a pair of Chinese gatetowers. Indeed,Yique, the name of themountain,actually means "gate of Yi River" in Chinese,and Emperor Yang of SuiDynasty,when enjoying the beauty here,exclaimed with admiration,"Isn't this the DragonGate!" and that is the origin of the name:Longmen,he "dragon gate" in Chinese.
4 Y6 ]+ O7 \; \3 J% s5 ^  龙门石窟位于洛阳市南郊12公里处的伊阙山下。当年隋炀帝在此游玩时,望着整齐的伊阙山口,脱口说出“此乃龙门耶”,故被称之为龙门。
$ {- p  @9 U, U4 s4 Y$ e  The rocks of the mountain are hard and tough,quite ideal for stone sculpture,and LongmenGrottoes are the third cluster of cave temples commissioned by the imperial court,afterDunhuang Grottoes in Gansu and Yungang Grottoes in Datong of Shanxi. The carving began inNorth Wei dynasty,and went on through East and West Wei Dynasties,then the dynasties ofNorth,North Zhou,Sui,Tang,and the Five Dynasties Period,lasting for over 400 years.During this long period,the full scale and efficient carvings account to about 150 years.( `. n7 h8 @$ w
  这里两山对峙,伊水中流,山上石质坚硬,适合雕刻。 龙门石窟的开凿是继甘肃的敦煌石窟、山西大同的云冈石窟之后由皇室开凿的又一个大型石窟寺群。它于北魏太和年间开始营建,历经东西魏、北齐、北周、隋唐、五代,前后有计划的开凿长达400多年,其中大规模、有效率的营建约计150年左右。$ |, U4 X, A( R0 r
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  Preserved in the grottoes are over 2 100 cave shrines sheltering 97 300 statues or more as wellas over 3 600 epigraphs or steles and 40 Buddhist stupas or pagodas.: _* E  \4 A# u2 V
  龙门石窟现保存下来有窟完2 100多个、造像9.73万尊、题记和碑竭3 600余品、佛塔近40座。: Q1 y# d- T% ]$ g2 x
  Longmen Grottoes is truly a large museum of stone sculpture. Both an artistic ex- pression ofBuddhist culture and a reflection of the politics,economy,and social culture of the time,thecaves have pre- served for today a huge wealth of physical data of religion, fineart,architecture,calligraphy,music,costume,and medicine.
3 e3 l! s- x0 v& M! u. J  龙门石窟堪称、座大划石刻艺术博物馆。它不仅是佛教文化的艺术表现,同时也折射出当时的政治、经济和社会文化石窟书中至今仍然保留着大量的宗教、美术、建筑、法、音乐、服饰、医药等方面的实物史料。4 K5 ]/ f- Z0 F$ E' Y& z- o
  The landscape,mountain,and river of Longmen are grandiose and pretty, delightfullyscenic as the first of the eight beauties of Luoyang. Bai Ju-yi,the celebrated poet of TangDynasty,wrote that“The landscape around Luoyang is wonderful,and Longmen is thebest",which is still true for the present. Its ancient art,its splendid environment,and itsconvenient transportation,all attract groups of scholars and visitors from home and abroad.# g( d, @2 Q% l, E9 H; O
  M5 z3 Z- Q6 m8 f5 t) ?  In 1961,Longmen Grottoes were brought under the state protection as a key culturalsite,and in November of 2000 the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO inscribed the site inits World Heritage List.+ K$ o0 R& S" Y" t3 A/ T
  1961年,龙门石窟被列为国家重点文物保护单位。2000年11月,龙门石窟被联合国教科文组织作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。: i1 h+ U# ?1 W2 x- K
  The three most well famed Buddhist grottoes in China are those in Dunhuang,Yungang,andLongmen. Yet Longmen Grottoes in the interior of China tops the other two with regard of thegeological position and the historical significance.
' R/ ?6 t/ C: z, X- |. B  中国古代的佛教石窟最著名的要数敦煌、云冈、龙门这三大石窟。然而,若论地理位置和历史意义的重要性,中原的龙门石窟当首屈一指。
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