- 註冊時間
- 2015-10-7
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:211 天 連續簽到:1 天
$ G* _1 g; i& j3 {
預備食材$ f1 a- Z# f8 \4 \4 O& r+ W" G( @
Plain Flour 低筋麵粉 310g' V/ }' L" p) I/ v$ L
Water水 300ml
, @: ^, i5 u+ XEgg 蛋 1 medium
1 z" s- U# L' mSalt 鹽 1 tsp W$ @" t5 D H
Chopped spring onion 蔥 1/2 cup. q" s& M5 I5 k6 u( q/ q3 I% _
Baking power 酵母粉 1/2 tsp
+ R9 X0 s" m* XChopped Octopus 八爪魚碎 --適量
4 Z5 J) f, ]; S6 O; v" hCabbage 大白菜 --適量
* f6 E& O; I: H# t0 \8 q- ]1 kTakoyaki sauce 章魚燒醬 ---" c8 S- Z4 X; G* a; W- x8 u
Mayonnaise蛋黃醬 ---# _" |1 F/ t/ V a, e
Dried bonito 鰹魚乾 ----; |) ^, D( G; |( r8 Y
Dried seaweed紫菜 ----+ ]2 h2 S" X! k, d
Olive oil 橄欖油 ----
5 E3 i/ L# g: N6 s) Z+ a8 p( d
" e6 O7 p# U' N$ @- G
8 v, k7 v. |: s u
* G) E9 k& S, V; i5 V: G0 F! N) M- ^4 X# K* z: p
! S5 a# P* e( ?& ] 013 t: d- G/ b) w; ?" K
將八爪魚放入熱水中, 出水5分鐘,盛起,切成小塊,備用 Add octopus into hot water for about 5 minutes. Chop into small pieces then set aside.
" M& O# c7 p. @2 N7 t1 b- u 02
) U- L. B- r' {( h1 l. m8 S將大白菜切成小塊,備用 Chop cabbage into small pieces then set aside.
4 N2 j4 E. d" X0 g 03; l6 q# x* e5 h. T$ i! I
準備好低筋麵粉 Prepare the flour8 F) }+ g5 b$ B) [3 I
; {. u9 g" N+ V, M ], k' q加入蛋 Add in the egg$ P _* w( x& u0 O3 d3 {6 t$ Y
05" c' v. P0 J- a: R, D9 Z \
分開3次慢慢加入水,攪拌, 然後加入鹽和蔥, 慢慢攪拌 Add in water and keep stiring ,then add in salt and spring onion
2 j% M0 F/ {; Z; f 06
: ~# B1 z) j; _燒熱鐵板, 用毛刷把整個鐵板塗上橄欖油 Heat the pan then oil the pan with a brush) ?3 k B/ }& v* q, Y9 V3 T
3 J# i/ N5 A/ s6 j將麵粉混合物倒入鍋內,並填補了鍋洞 Pour the flour mixture into the pan and fill the pan bowls. a4 n6 Y$ \% l7 J
08; x7 `0 f: B' K4 m: r& ?, | e1 s
放上 章魚, 大白菜 Add in cabbage and chopped octopus8 v) H9 d2 t8 e
091 g. n0 n& y- d5 N- I- |
等待3-4分鐘,凝固後,將麵粉混合物翻傾90度 After 3-4 mintes, turn each pieces a 90 degree
! b' {0 o. @9 I2 b' [ 10
9 ]5 W% q1 O! u: p1 B加入更多的麵粉混合,直到填滿每個餡件的另一面, 連續轉動, 將小丸子收圓 Add in more flour mixture until stuffing another side of each pieces. Then keep turing until each piece shaped round
9 V* O; V' H! @ 11
0 p! x$ s& `4 n3 U. q, l. l小丸子燒成金黃色, 盛起, 配上章魚燒醬,蛋黃醬,鰹魚乾, 紫菜 When the takoyaki turn into golden colour, put them onto a plate and serve it hot with Takoyaki sauce,mayonnaise,dried bonito and dried seaweed 完 ^~^ Done!!! Enjoy!!!
6 c6 P5 [- o% q( |
0 e: E+ ?8 P! C7 ?3 N/ O" u! h6 P6 Y" a7 A7 ~% Y